Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Check out this website! It has great printables for word wall and science center!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Egg carton fire trucks

This is a great two day art project for students! Students can paint egg carton one day then add fire truck utilities and extras the next day! It's interesting to see what they think a Fire truck "must" have.

Favorite fire safety

I made these years ago! I have three of them and they are still my preschoolers favorite! I got steering wheel covers for pretend steering wheels, and plastic hose at Home Depot! I taped pieces of red and orange tissue paper around the room for children to put out! Next week I will have pictures of flames with letters and numerals on them for children to identify!

Edible ladders

Graham crackers +frosting +pretzel sticks=fun and delicious ! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How do germs get spread?

Materials: Spray bottle filled with water, green glitter!

After discussion of what germs are and what they can do and after viewing the germs video. Have spray bottle and demonstrate what happens when you sneeze by spraying the mist in the air and having it fall on students! ( they love this) explain that's its fun when it's water but water if this was someone else's mucus or spit from their mouth. ( not so fun..yuck)

Next pretend to sneeze or cough in your hand and sprinkle green glitter on your hand and shake everyone's hand then ask them to look at their hands! Did they get your germs? What would happen if I put my finger with germs in my eye, nose or mouth? Ask students. How can we get rid of them? Have children practice washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water! And coughing and sneezing in their arm!

What are germs?

Before activity I showed students this video to help better understand germs!

The students loved it it was really animated and short and to the point!

We watched it 3 times

My healthy body!

Students observe and draw the outside of their body and look in books and exam x-rays to draw the inside of their body.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nursery Rhyme

Students constructed clocks, wrote numerals or glued numbers in sequential order!

Nursery Rhyme

Students constructed a wall for Humpty Dumpty!

Nursery Rhymes

Students constructed their own bridge using tape, glue and recycled materials.

Nursery Rhyme

London Bridge Extension: Student planned and drew their bridge before constructing it!