Classroom Management: Tricks and Tips

Over the last 15 years I have tried just about everything to keep my children happy,secure and engaged.
 I went to a few of Dr. Jean's workshops and love her ideas, many of them have proven to be successful in my room. Music is a huge motivator in my room. We sing at transition times, when we need to be redirected, and to keep us thinking in the halls while we travel. I have also found that when I include more senses in activity the more meaningful it becomes to children.

I have a 4 draw storage bin at the meeting rug it contains all of my "goodies" to help my students, stay engaged, happy, secure and valued. I have a plan to reorganize the draws  this year to help me be more organized and my students more successful.

 This is my plan.

The first draw is the"smelly" draw. In this draw are lotions with labels I made, there is " Love" lotion, "happy" lotion, "calming" lotion, and "thinking" lotion. I introduce these and model their use at different times. Before reading a story they might need some "calming" lotion, or a child is crying and upset they might need some "love" lotion, or if a child is not engaged you might try some "thinking" lotion. Once children understand their use they are allowed to visit the "smelly" draw when ever they need it. I also have mini air freshners to spray, one is labeled "Brain spray" the other is labeled "Peace Spray" These can used while children are independently working and need a little boost or redirection. The last item in my "smelly" draw is scented chapsticks. These are my "Horray" Sticks ,I rub a little on their hands  when children are demonstrating positive behavior.

The second draw is the "Celebration" draw. Inside this draw are clappers, kazoos,  and cheer cards! When you see a child doing something great take out a clapper or a kazoo and have child pick out a cheer to do with friends to celebrate. You can find the cheer cards on Dr. Jeans website.

The third draw is the "feely" draw. This draw contains,sensory balls, silk ribbon, felt and sensory snakes. This draw is for those children who made need something soft to help them stay engaged, happy, and secure. It has been successful for those really energetic students as well.

The final draw is the "thinking" draw. This draw was designed for children who are easily distracted and need to keep their hands busy at the rug.  The last draw contains small notebooks and crayons and pencils, linking chains, unfix cubes, magna doodle, and large pegs. I tend to switch out and trade new items as the year progresses to keep the child interested.

I also have an "I Think I Can" can filled with stickers,I find themed stickers are really popular (Dora, Transformers, Spiderman, Princess).  When  a student does or try to do something without saying "I can't" I reward them with a sticker!
Next time I am in school I will take pictures of the draws and provide you with a link for labels and stickers! :)
If you have students with a lot of energy and that are curious about everything, I like to make the students my helpers! Whether s it's holding or turn the pages of a book we are reading, passing out materials, holding materials, walking around making sure students have on their listening ears or just stand or sit next to me wearing a super student cape that I made for them. When students feel like they have control they are more engaged and see the learning as meaningful! 
Classroom Jobs!
This goes along with the same principle as above! I do not have trouble during transitions or clean up because I make other students accountable for each other! They like to know they are an important members in our school family and that they are needed!

What strategies have helped your students remain happy, secure and engaged?

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