Back To School

When setting up your classroom make sure that your learning centers are well defined, it is wheel chair friendly,  materials are easily accessible, centers and materials are clearly labeled and there is room in your classroom to allow loud gross motor play as well as areas that permit quiet and solitude.

In the beginning of the year, I put a few materials in each learning center. I do not put out many blocks in block area, I do not put out dress up clothes in dramatic play right away, and I only leave out a few materials in manipulative/math center, art, writing and wood working. I do not open sand and water or painting easel until the third or fourth week of school (depending on my students). In this first month of school, I focus on one center for a few days, work in small groups of children and model how to properly use materials and play cooperatively. This also the time I get to know the children and how they interact with others and what stimulates them intellectually.
Getting to know you games!

Cross the Road: Gather your students in a line on one side of the rug. Explain to the children that you will be asking them a question if it is a "Yes" they drive across the "road" if it is a "No" they stay parked in their cars right where they are. For example; "Do you have a brother?" It is also helpful to have pictures that coincide with the question, for visual learners and second language learners. You can use substitue "road" for anything ( river, draw bridge, ocean, galaxy).

Stand Up and Sit Down Game:  Place chairs in rows on the rug. Explain to the children that you will be asking them a question if it is a "Yes" they Stand Up , if it is a "No" they stay in their seats right where they are. For example; "Do you have a brother?" It is also helpful to have pictures that coincide with the question, for visual learners and second language learners. Before each question have all students sit back down.

Center Activities!

TPT FINDS! Love this site! 

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